Marine and industrial Sulzer medium speed engines of AL20 and A25 series

Independent spare parts supplier

The site is maintained by Jastra in Gdańsk, Poland.
We are not affiliated with any of below mentioned companies
and we use their brands names for information purposes only.



Zaklady Przemyslu Metalowego (ZPM) H.Cegielski in Poznan, Poland, have obtained licence for production of various medium speed engines of AL20 and A25 series from Sulzer Brothers Ltd., later New Sulzer Diesel and then Wartsila.
Old, well proven design, reliability and ease of maintenance has made them very popular in many applications.

HCP Sulzer - it is worldwide recognized brand.

Most of the engines work in auxiliary power generators on ships, some as stationary power source (especially popular in India as recovered from scrapped ships and rebuilt), many as main propulsion in tugs, floating cranes, fishing ships and another workboats.

Engines Sulzer AL20 and A25 series have been built in Poland, Yugoslavia and probably in some other countries around the world.

We do not have big experience with versions licenced to another countries.
We do know, there are differences in some assembled units.

Marine and industrial 4-stroke diesel engines of Sulzer Z40/48 series built by Zgoda in Poland
More information

Jastra offers delivery of spares for AL20 and A25 series of Sulzer licenced engines built in Poland.

So, why to use our service?

We offer reasonable pricing for Polish versions with packing included, fast delivery and short distance to international airport and worldwide speditors.

Welcome to contact us:
Great Seal of
Gdansk with mediewian ship

Jastra - marine equipment services

tel/fax: +48-58-3479026
tel/fax: +48-58-3476850

Poland, Gdansk 80-215,
ul. Raciborskiego 51

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